Lovely's life experiences that lead to the creation of the book. I deserve sacred blessed love.

We begin with animal totems.

My first awareness of power animals came while reading a novel. She Who Remembers. She (The main character)
Was a native American who was shunned buy her tribe because she had blue eyes. Her journey was challenging and along the way White Buffalo came to her and guided her. I was so taken with the book I re-read it several times.
Later while browsing in the children's section of the local library, I found books on native American traditions.
I brought them home and read them to my children.

We talked about how nature taught human kind how to survive by observing the animals. The wasp taught the Chinese how to make paper. Bear taught medicine and which berries are safe to eat.

I will always remember the day I bought Animal Speak by Ted Andrews. I received an annual gift to money from my mother-in-law to purchase Christmas gifts. Usually I would make gifts. This year I was shopping in a book store. I recognized​ the book because I had been reading it in a friend's shop down the street. I picked it up and looked through it and put it back on the shelf.
I made my gift purchases​ and left the shop with two of my children.
When we stepped outside we saw above us a flock of starlings flying no, dancing right above us. They flew together then some split off and circled around and reconnected with the group. It was a marvelous site.
We stood there quite awhile just gazing at the spectacle.

I took the experience as a sign and walked back in and purchased the book. Today the book is full of highlights and looks very well used. As a family we would tune in when ever we saw an animal crossing our path or have significant dreams.

I have had raptor birds save my life. I had owl ask me for help. It's home was being destroyed by building. At the time I felt helpless to do anything for it. In hind sight I wish I had done something.

Hawk was my most wonderful experience to date.

I was walking the family dogs, when I happened upon an injured bird. She was sitting in plane sight on a rock next to the creek that ran through our neighborhood. When she didn't fly away I made a quick evaluation that the bird was injured.

I ran home with the dogs and called animal control to report the bird. They asked me to meet an officer where the bird was.

My youngest daughter had stayed home that day so she and I road bikes back to the spot.

When we arrived there was another bird on top of the injured bird. When we approached​ the one on top flew up to the baseball backstop near by.

I looked at the helpless bird now laying in the grass. She looked at me with one golden eye.
I spoke to her in a soft voice. I told her help was on the way.

Momentarily the animal control officer arrived. She picked the hawk up by her talons and asked me to go with her to the truck. I was asked to open one of the compartments, which I did. The hawk stood up and looked at me. The officer said that it was a good sign.

I asked where she was taking the bird. The officer said there was a lady that heals wild animals and she would be released after the golden eyes one healed.

This event was thrilling for me and I was so excited, I drove to the near by mall where my husband was working to tell him my news.

There was a native American, famous from Star trek, selling art in the mall that day. My husband suggested I tell him my story. So I did.

When I finished, Grey Wolf told me that the hawk would return.

A time passed and one day I was walking the dogs near the spot where I found golden eye.

She was perched on top of the lights used to light the baseball field.

I was thrilled to see her once again!

After that Everytime I walked the dogs she would greet me. I thanked her for her presence. I sang to her. For three long months she was theremin or shine.

One day my husband and I saw her flying along above us as we walked the dogs. Looking back at that moment, I believe golden eye was there to protect me. My husband was an ill man and was not in control of his emotions.

After about three months, Golden eye came to see me and introduce me to her mate. I heard no words, yet I knew what she was communicating. Across the street perched on top of a street light I saw another hawk.
I knew in my heart this was her mate.

I had read about hawk and learned they mate for life.

Awhile later, I was with the dogs at a cemetery nearby where we lived. I saw Golden eye and her mate one last time.

They were flying in circles above the tall pine trees.

Fast forward to the present.
After many years of searching with a knowing that my life long mate was out there, he finally manifested in my life, only after I created the initial definitely word totem  cards.

In fact he was a bit scared to begin with.  In order to keep from pushing him away, I began doing readings and creating affirmations for him. My intention was to be supportive and not clingy.

After a few months of sending him these readings that became affirmations he came over and told me  he had saved and re-read all of them. He thanked me and shared with me how powerful and supportive they were.

He was not ready to tell me he loved me, yet his appreciation was wonderful to receive.

We had a nice long kiss.

As writing this account, I realized the cards helped me say the things I needed and wanted to tell him without fear.

My intention worked.

We Married May 1st 2015. It was the most fabulous day!

Many guests made intention for themselves on our special day. We inspired others to find their own twin flame, as we have. I know that each person there had a profound experience, witnessing and taking part in the re-uniting of a couple who has been together for many many life times. As we like to say "A zillion"

It is my deepest belief that " I deserve sacred blessed love is a tool to understand yourself. To communicate with the Divine and to help those already on the path to higher consciousness attain the higher vibration necessary for creating heaven on Earth.

Lovely Aurora Fay Poissant was born in Santa Ana California to Alfred and Ann Briggs.

Alfred was a glider pilot in the Army Air corps. That was the United States’ first Air Force. He flew a glider into Germany to help bring an end to World War II.

Ann lived on Balboa Island with her parents. She met Lovely's dad on the ferry crossing the bay headed to a USO dance.

Lovely, born Linda K Briggs, was told the story of her father's Mission so many times that she knows it by heart. The point is, her dad prayed that day for help. He made it back alive to give life to three more children, which makes Lovely the youngest of four.

One day, when she was about 10 years old, Lovely had an experience. She felt there was more to this world than she could see. She went to her mother and asked "Mommy why am I here?" Her mother told her she was meant to be. She was told a story, first of rejection and then of acceptance. At the end of the story, she was told that she was loved.

Really what lovely wanted to know was... The big question! Why am I here? Lovely has spent her whole life learning and investigating, looking for that answer.

She spent time in many different religious organizations. In a Methodist Church camp at age 12 or 13 she was asked to council some of her campmates to resolve their differences. This seems like the first acknowledgement of what was to come. Lovely moved on, embracing Newborn Christianity, Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism and the Episcopalian christian Church.   The latter proved to be a disheartening experience. She retreated into books, feeling that to continue would be unhealthy for her. A new friend gave her Shirley Maclaine's book "Out on a Limb." This book turned a page in Lovely’s path. Her father was reading Shirley’s books too. They actually had something to talk about!

Lovely was thirsty for knowledge and began going to the library for books. She read a variety of teachings. When she was a teen ager, she read Carlos Castaneda, then later found more of his writings. The book, "The Celestine Prophecy”, by James Redfield, again taught her another perspective to the reason for being. She found native American shaman teachings in the children's section. She began teaching her three children these concepts.
She moved on to book stores purchasing more books that talked to her. "Bringers of the Dawn”, and "Family of Light”, by Marciniak, and of course “You are Psychic” made a big impression.  The most influential books she read were "The Great Cosmic Mother" by Monica Sjöö & Barbara Mor a book that takes 'HIS' Story and turns it upside down so you can see what is behind it, plus "Animal Speak”, by Ted Andrews, which is a shamanic teaching about animal spirit guides and totems.

Lovely longed for Community, a place where she would be accepted.

Her life shifted as she began to practice the concepts she was reading about, like fengshui. She used the teachings to clear and organize her entire house.
She learned that by making the right prayer and taking the right action, her life could be changed from misery to something better in a very short time.
As she awoke to these concepts she found people who had similar ideas.

She joined a group called the Rainbow Council. There, she learned to astral project. Spirit led her to another organization called Sukyo Mahikari, where she learned the art of energy healing. She had been lead there to be healed but not to stay. She was also led to the Vineyard Church for a short while. On her first visit, she received a reading during the sermon from the minister. She was told she would change so much that people would not recognize her. (This happened)

Lovely is a spiritual Explorer. One day she was introduced to the fairies.  It was very dramatic! Lovely was in a position to get a rock dropped on her head. The fairies deflected it so that all she got was a small bruise. This event changed Lovely’s life!  Finally, that something she had sensed when she was only 10 had made itself known. Finally, proof that there are “others" living right next to us! Fairies/Earth Spirits had revealed themselves and began to communicate. She went to the local metaphysical bookstore to research and she looked at many books on fairies. None of them wanted to come home with her.
She and her clairvoyant son left empty handed. It was then she realized she needed to learn from experience and intuition. She began communicaing with the faeries and asking questions. She went back to the place where the rock opened her mind and received photographs with orbs. She began studying how and why the orbs appeared. Sometimes there were lots and other times there were just a few. The answers were amazing. One day she asked for pictures that would be frameable. Ones in the woods or something like that.  Almost two years later she received photos taken in the Redwoods, Avenue of the Giants.

Lovely used the orb pictures to create decks of cards. The first deck was a small deck of  ‘play’ cards. Each of the 12 cards has a little thing for you to do like givingsomeone a hug. The idea was to get people to play and connect! The next deck was more serious, titled, "Legend of the Thirteen Faery Moons. It is an oracle deck filled with faery teachings. This was how the faeries taught lovely their lore.  Lovely has worked with the cards that she developed and created her own unique formats for readings. Lovely met author of "Healing with the Fairies", Doreen Virtue, during the time she was wondering what to do with her orb pictures. Doreen was a frequent shopper at her place of work. She invited Lovely to several of her events. Ultimately, Doreen Virtue's Angel Therapy Practitioner course was gifted to Lovely. This was a lesson in listening, doing readings and connecting with like-minded people.

Another Fairy connection was the Fairy Godmother Guild. Lovely became active in philanthropy, raising money for different organizations. During her activity with the fairy godmothers, she was invited to the Goddess Temple of Orange County, where Lovely finally thought she was home. Her spiritual home that is. She became very active and served as a priestess, creating and caretaking the new space. She was invited to serve on the board and was called a pillar of the Temple. Lovely served one day a week to clean and attend the temple for four years. On those days she was invited to join the Mediumship classes of Lisa Lockheart, where Lovely learned how to connect with spirit guides. Lovely also volunteered in several circles. The Liturgy and Ceremony Circle was her favorite. There, she helped form the rituals performed at the services and holy days. There, she felt seen and heard for the first time. She grew in confidence and power and then again, it was time to leave.

This is where Lovely became the Priestess of Harmony. After leaving her goddess home where she had done so many fabulous ceremonies, she found that there was an imbalance in her. She needed to get balanced between The Masculine and The Feminine. Lovely’s dear friend and sister had also left the Goddess Temple and found something that spoke to her. She gently introduced Lovely to Don Oscar, the teacher of the Pachakuti Mesa traditions of Peru.
With these teachings she took a two-year apprenticeship. Lovely learned shamanic healing practices and combined them with her harp and the fairies. The harp is a whole other story of spiritual discovery. The Mesa became a huge altar in her home and provides the space for all of her diverse beliefs to exist together.

From there anything is possible. Life took some turns, ultimately Lovely was given the gift of time for self-discovery.  She discovered over and over again countless teachings from Divine spirit….the ones that are true to all. She let go of dogma and limitations and discovered fun ways to teach and share her discoveries about life and why we are here. Her book, “I Deserve Sacred, Blessed, Love”, is a tool to level up to the fith demension.

Other influences:
Reiki levels one and two.
PSYCH-K Certificate of completion of a two day workshop (includes Muscle testing.}
Sound healing with Johnathan Goldman. Certification of completion
Pendulum A random woman taught Lovely the basics.
Jeanine Just  Visionary Success Strategist  (Positive thought and dowsing.}
Completed Non Violent communications workshop Marshall Rosenburg author of the book.
Attended and volunteered at Gather The Women events.
Bach Flower Basics Training Program, Certification of completion with Helena Grocer